Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Little About Myself

Hello World! I've wanted to start a blog for a while now and I am excited that I am finally taking the time to do so! Hopefully I can keep up with it or more importantly, I have interesting things to share with you! So just to start off I wanted to share a few things about myself. My name is Jessica (If you couldn't tell from my title) and I am a newlywed of a whole 9 months! My husband's name is Dan and we currently have three furry children by the names of Ari, Princess and Boo Boo (Princess and Boo Boo are nicknames, but it's all they know anymore). We live in a sweet little home in the Baltimore area and currently just enjoy spending quality time together along with hanging out with our amazing friends and family. We look forward to our future together and expanding our family soon enough! So I hope you can follow along with me as I enter this new chapter in my life...

1 comment:

  1. I love it!!! Can't wait to read more and follow your journeys through life!! :-)
