Monday, August 1, 2011

Beach Weekend - Mini Vacation

This past weekend was a three day weekend for me and the hubby. We went down to Ocean City, Maryland with a few of our friends. It turned out to be quite a hot one, but definitely perfect beach weather! We luckily managed to get two full days of beach/tanning time in! Which was what I was really looking forward to on this little mini vacation. We all left bright an early Friday morning to head down the beach so we would have a full day and it turned out to be a great day up until it was time to leave for dinner. As we were all ready to literally walk out the door, I realize (in a panic mode of course) that I do not have my drivers license. This wouldn't be such a big deal if we weren't going to grab dinner at 9 o'clock at night and most places were being turned in to night clubs and everywhere was carding.

If you can't tell by my pictures already, I don't look quite my age and without my drivers license my chances of getting in to anywhere were going to be pretty slim to none. So to say the least, I was upset and annoyed. My sister-in-law happened to be down the beach as well and told us of a restaurant/club that wasn't carding before 9 o'clock. So of course we all begin to hustle our butts to make it to the bus stop to catch it in time to make it there. We just make it and what would you know, they ask for my ID. It took a little convincing and a few crocodile tears, but the manager ended up letting me in with the promise that I wouldn't drink. Geez I haven't had to worry about getting in to "Over 21" places in years, I forgot what it felt like! HA  I was extremely lucky though because I just happen to have an awesome sister and some wonderful friends who all were able to help me out. My drivers license made its way down to Ocean City and in my hands just in time to go out the following night, I know I know...aren't I lucky? I swear these things only happen to me!

On our way to the beach
My Peeps
My hubs with his personal Umbrella
The girls with our lemonades
My one and only picture from dinner

Our last night down the beach was pretty low key. We ended up meeting up with a few other friends that were staying down there and we all grabbed dinner at Dough Roller (If you haven't ever eaten there, check it out! Yum). After dinner we all took a walk down the boardwalk and fishing peer. It was a nice quite night and end to our little mini vacation. This weekend made me realize I truly have some wonderful amazing people in my life. I couldn't be anymore thankful for them or blessed!

I love that we match - Not planned

Being Silly
The Ladies
This is Dan's "Please don't make me take another picture" pose
Ladies on the Boardwalk/Peer


  1. Poor Jess. That sucked about your ID. (But did you realize that then we didn't even use our ids the following night? dang.)

    Def. was a fun mini vacation! I wish we were still there!! I wish everyday was a beach day!!!

  2. Looks like fun. Love the beach! Looks like you guys did all the 'OC essentials' LOL!
